perjantaina, maaliskuuta 18, 2005
The Killers
Killing time with the Killers
Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll lifestyle
The Killers are touring Japan at the moment.
After being asked to leave the Park Hyatt
Bar for getting drunk and then placing
their cocks on the shoulders of unsuspecting
female drinkers they retired up to the
rooms to continue to party, with the 15
year-old daughter of a cabinet minister
and Sheena Ringo aka the Japanese Bjork.
Eventually the shenanigans get too much for
the guests in the next room and there is
a knock on the door. One of the band
goes to tell whoever it is to sod off...
but instead finds a US secret service agent,
with a large gun. Just by chance, the next
suite is occupied by ex-Secretary of State,
James Baker. The 15-year old groupie shits
herself with fear, and the Killers run off.
nigotiator at 11:34 Linkki